
【黄叔平品牌】平干素 Ping Gan Su


Traditionally, PING GAN SU can effectively strengthen detoxification and liver nourishing. Enhance the liver function in detoxifying, nourish and activate hepatic cells, conquer chronic fatigue syndrome, prevention of liver diseases. Conducive to Yin nourishment and dispel heat, relieving heat and promote diuresis, clear jaundice and remove stasis. Improve liver and gall bladder function, clearing heart-fire, eliminate constipation.

女神节优惠 PWP

【功能】健脑益智,改善注意力,改善脑供血不足,缓解脑疲劳,活化脑细胞 ,提高记忆力,预防脑衰老 。

Product price: RM188.00
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