“2020年年尾,我发现自己走一小段路就会气喘,呼吸不顺畅,胸口闷,眼前黑白感觉晕眩。我觉得这种情况不可能是自身体力的问题,于是我马上去做体检。经过跑步机测试(stress test)之后发现我有5条心血管阻塞了,有些阻塞了90%,有些阻塞了70%。于是医生建议我动“通波仔”手术,疏通了3条血管,还剩2条依然阻塞。
一位朋友知道我遇到心血管问题,就推荐我去【黄叔平健康馆】找黄医师,医师就建议我服用【强心丹】 。
顾客见证3:潘再民 Michael,60岁,资深导游
现在吃了【强心丹】1个月之后,我可以走500米 -1公里,几乎都不需要吃舌底丸,胸口痛的情况也明显改善了很多,说话也不再气喘了!”
顾客见证4:唐秋鸿 Thong Chiew Foong,69岁,家庭主妇
"Doing housework is part of my daily routine. One day, my granddaughter accidentally knocked over a glass of soymilk. When I leaned over to do the cleaning, I suddenly felt uncomfortable and broke out in cold sweat. I asked my child to take me to the doctor. After a heart screening, the doctor suggested I have a detailed checkup in the hospital. I was panting while walking to the emergency department, and later the doctor found that there was a blockage in one of the large arteries and 70% blockage in another tiny artery. The doctor immediately carried out angioplasty for one of the blocked arteries. I went to see Mdm. Wong Yoke Chan as I wanted to improve my condition with TCM. Since 2015, I have been consuming 4 capsules of "Huo Xue Bao An Dan Improved Formula" daily (two in the morning and two at night). Prior to that, I was diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure and heart arrhythmia. I regularly consumed Western medication, including blood thinner. I replaced it by taking "Huo Xue Bao An Dan Improved Formula" The numbness of my arm has improved; I feel more energetic and have good quality sleep. I have a regular checkup every eight months, and the reports show I am in good condition.
“1998年,当年50岁,某一天带小孩去公园玩时,发现自己跑步没有气,开始冒汗,左边胸口疼痛,回家后便把所发生的事情告诉太太。我的同事(有认识朋友心脏病,吃了就好了)便介绍我去半山芭,找黄叔平医师,医师开药给我(1个礼拜1包),吃了半年左右, 精神好了很多!
2007年 再次做全身检查时,报告显示两条40%-50%阻塞的血管都通畅了!自此精神变好了,胸口不再疼痛,爬4 – 5层楼梯都没有问题!现在每一年都会去做全身检查,以确保自己处于健康状态!”
顾客见证6:江振 Kong Chan,65岁
"In 2012, I did a cardiac angiography in Bangsar Pantai Hospital. The report showed I had three almost fully blocked arteries. The Western medical doctor told me no medicine nor surgery could cure my condition. My friend recommended me to seek treatment from Mdm. Wong Yoke Chan. Since then, I started taking "Huo Xue Bao An Dan Improved Formula" and consume one packet per day (three capsules per pack). Before this, I would feel out of breath when climbing the stairs. I could only sleep while sitting and needed to take several deep breaths periodically to overcome my respiratory difficulties. After consuming "Huo Xue Bao An Dan Improved Formula" for about a month, I could lay down to have some proper sleep. And after three years, I feel much better now. I can even climb three levels of stairs without panting. My complexion also looks healthier. I have recommended Mdm. Wong Yoke Chan to many friends. In 2018, I did a body checkup at Serdang Hospital. The report showed my coronary arteries have no blockage. Apart from the heart function being slightly weak, my heart is otherwise in good condition. Later, I also changed my eating habits according to the doctor's recommendation."
当时黄叔平医师开了【活血保安丹】药材配方让我服用了6个月后,气喘,胸闷,冒冷汗的症状明显改善了! 后来我继续服用【强效活血保安丹】至今都已经10多年了!现在的我非常有精神,能吃,能走,去pasar买菜也没问题!”
顾客见证8:叶润龙 Yap Yoon Long,65岁,建筑承包商
"Two of my cardiac vessels had 100% blockage, another one with 80% blockage. I had a condition of poor heart function, which is not suitable for surgery. The doctor even told me that none of the doctors would dare to perform surgery on me. I discussed the matter with my wife. As she often reads health-related articles, she suggested that I seek treatment from Dr Wong Shook Phing. I later found Mdm. Wong Yoke Chan and she introduced me to "Huo Xue Bao An Dan Improved Formula". After consuming it, I regained my physical strength. My blood circulation also improved from blockage without any operation. Most of my friends know that I was previously in a critical condition. I told them about the doctor I met, and with this medicine, I have recuperated from blood artery blockages without surgery."
"The main arteries of my heart were diagnosed as blocked 6 years ago. I felt numbness in both of my hands, bringing a critical impact on my living. I could not stand or sit; I was also not able to work. I went to see a Western medical doctor. The doctor recommended a running stress test and found that my breath was unstable. I was later diagnosed with heart diseases and needed an operation that would cost over RM40,000. However, my daughter told me not to take the surgery and introduced me to Mdm. Wong Yoke Chan. I decided not to take Western medication and started consuming "Huo Xue Bao An Dan Improved Formula". I have taken it daily for six years. I take one packet per day with another powder form of Chinese medicine. My breath became stable, and I can walk up the stairs without panting. Previously I couldn’t drive as my hand was numb, but now I can!
Two months ago, I went for a body checkup. The doctors made good on a bet made three years ago. At that time, I told the doctor that instead of opting for surgery, I wanted to recuperate by consuming Chinese medicine. The Western medical doctor then made a bet with me: if my results were good and showed that I had recovered by taking Chinese medicine, all the checkup fees would be waived. And since the report showed outstanding results, my checkup was free.
"I was diagnosed with heart disease for over 20 years. I previously did bypass surgery and angioplasty surgery. All the while, I was also diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, and poor kidney function. When I met my ophthalmologist, the doctor suggested I do a cardiac checkup as my blood pressure was slightly higher than the standard reading. After six weeks of treatment, the reading did not decrease. It only got better in the 7th week.
In 2004, while I was still the principal of Chong Hwa Independent High School, I had a heart attack during a school performance event. I was sent to the hospital immediately and the doctor carried out bypass surgery. I spent over RM62,000 in a mere month. However, the atherosclerotic relapsed after four and a half years.
At that time, my good friend Tan Geok Shui (陈玉水), the Former Deputy Editor-in-chief of Nanyang Siang Pau introduced me to seek treatment from Dr Wong Yoke Chan, and I began consuming "Huo Xue Bao An Dan Improved Formula". I remember when I first went to the health centre; I had difficulties even to talk. My breath was unstable, and the tone of my voice was soft. But after taking "Huo Xue Bao An Dan Improved Formula", my condition improved tremendously.
Recently when I had a checkup with the Western medical doctor, the doctor believed my condition had improved. The doctor reduced the dose of my high blood pressure and diabetes medication. Meanwhile, he diagnosed that my heart function is getting stronger. As for the cardiac rhythm, it has returned to normal."