







Specialist in treatment for coronary heart disease,

The unique prescription of "Huo Xue Bao An Dan" developed by Mr. Wong Shook Phing has had a positive impact on patients for nearly 40 years now, with its function of improving blood circulation and unblocking stagnation. He debunked the argument that Western medicine is the only way to treat cardiac diseases. For years, he helped many cardiac patients to regain health; some of them had undergone bypass surgery, while others could not afford any treatment. More than 99% of his patients had tremendous outcomes with some fully recovering. We believed that as long as patients are willing to cooperate, even patients with 100% blockage in the cardiac blood vessel can recover with TCM treatment. We are dedicated to assist more heart disease patients and specialise in this field.



Core Values

S – Sincerity, Stay humble 诚信,谦卑 (给予顾客最专业及正确的意见与医疗方案,虚心向他人学习,彼此接纳) 

U – Unity  合一(公司上下同心经营中医馆,齐心推广马来西亚中医药文化)

P – Professional 专业(热衷于钻研中医草药与诊治技术,提供专业的服务与优质的产品)

E – Enthusiasm 热诚(积极主动与时并进)

R – Respect 尊重  (彼此尊重,以爱真诚待人)